How to Apply Duck Hunting Face Paint
Everyone who’s deeply invested in waterfowl hunting will know the importance of staying concealed while out on the field. And one of the better ways to reduce glare and stay hidden is by using duck-hunting face paint.
So, if you’re looking to switch away from using a mask to face paint or simply want to find out how to apply duck hunting face paint, we’ll cover all that over the next 5-10 minutes. But before we do that, we’d like to go over:
● Why you need duck hunting face paint
● Duck hunting face paint vs. duck hunting face masks
● What makes good duck-hunting face paint
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Why You Need Duck Hunting Face Paint
Duck Hunting with Face Paint
Over the last several years, duck hunting face paint has massively grown in popularity, and for all the good reasons.
It’s Comfortable
To start, you never have to worry about a poor fit when getting duck hunting face paint. When you use face paint, you don’t obstruct your vision and certainly don’t have to deal with a solid object on your face. While it might take some getting used to, many people feel that the face paint feels much more comfortable than masks and other concealment options.
Waterfowl hunting is a game of patience. It can take hours for hunters to get a good shot. So, a comfortable concealment option on your face can help you easily withstand the long waiting hours.
When hunters aren’t comfortable with their gear, they will fidget and move around a lot. This creates sound and visual movements that will cause you to lose all the birds within your sight. That’s why we’re seeing more hunters stick with duck-hunting face paint in recent years.
It’s Great for Staying Concealed
Ducks, geese, and other waterfowl are very sensitive creatures. The slightest movement or change in scenery can spook them, which results in hunters losing their hunt. That’s why hunters are highly encouraged to wear the best possible concealment that allows them to fully and comfortably blend in with their environment.
And if you ask any experienced hunter out there, they would say that nothing can conceal your face better than a high-quality duck hunting face paint.
When you’re out on a hunt, your head and face can reflect sunlight. This makes you stand out like a sore thumb and will put your hunting efforts at risk. But when you have high-quality hunting face paint, the paint absorbs all the light, so you won’t reflect any sunlight and catch a bird’s attention.
Instead, you will blend in with the bushes and environment behind you. That way, none of the waterfowl will see you coming, increasing your chances of catching some birds during hunting season.
On top of that, duck hunting face paint offers a much more natural look. Typically, face masks and other concealment options look rather synthetic. Even if they blend in with the environment, they lack an organic feel, which is why they aren’t as effective as face paint.
Duck Hunting Face Masks vs Duck Hunting Face Paint
Duck Hunting Face Paint (left) vs. with a Face Mask (right).
A common debate in the waterfowl community right now is whether to use duck-hunting masks or duck-hunting face paint. And as you can imagine, both of these options have their pros and cons. But if you’re looking to increase your chances of catching a lot of fowl this season, face paint might be the better option.
To start, face paint blends in with the face better and looks more natural. A poorly made mask can not only easily stand out, but it can also be uncomfortable to wear for longer periods of time. On the flip side, duck hunting face paint absorbs light and blends you in with the environment.
Since you smear this paint on your face, you can ensure a natural and comfortable fit. This reduces your movement when on a hunt, increasing your chances of catching ducks and geese.
The one benefit that duck hunting masks have over face paint is that you can take them off at any time. It can be quite tricky to get sticky duck hunting face paint off your face, especially while out on the field. But if you plan to hunt for days on end this season, duck hunting face paint is the ideal concealment solution.
That said, there are two things to remember if you want to get the most out of duck hunting face paint - get high-quality paint and learn to apply it properly. That way, you will really blend in with the local scenery.
What Makes Good Duck Hunting Face Paint?
Like with any product, there are good and bad duck-hunting face paint products out there. And below, we’ll tell you how to separate the good from the bad.
The Feel & Texture on Your Face
To start, your face paint needs to be comfortable. So, try and get a feel of it and determine if you would be okay with that texture on your face. There are many types of duck hunting face paint, so feel free to choose the one that feels most comfortable for you.
The Color of the Paint
Next up is the color. You have to make sure that the color absorbs light, so it needs to be dark. It should also match your general surroundings when you’re going to camp out to hunt for waterfowl. This requires close attention to detail, so pay attention when shopping.
The Strength of the Paint
Lastly, your duck-hunting face paint needs to be strong and long-lasting. It should be water resistant and stay on your face for hours at a time without a problem. That way, you don’t have to worry about reapplying your face paint in the middle of your hunt, scaring away the prey with your movement.
The #1 Way to Apply Duck Hunting Face Paint
Applying duck hunting face paint is relatively straightforward. The idea is to get it all over your face so you no longer reflect light. That’s why the best way to apply it is to simply smear a nice and even layer of it on your face. Watch this video to see the exact process you should follow when applying duck-hunting face paint onto your face.

The most important thing to remember is to keep the layer even and to cover your entire face. Once your face is covered in paint, you’re ready to head out and start your hunt.
Duck hunting face paint can be a game-changer for waterfowl hunters this season. If you regularly watch Duck Hunting TV, you’ll notice that most of the world’s best waterfowl hunters use it.
So, after all, it’s not a terrible idea to do what the best waterfowl hunters are doing. And before you know it, you’ll start to see the benefits of choosing duck-hunting face paint over a traditional duck-hunting mask.