5 Tips to Become a Pro Hunter During Off-Season Time

Teaser image of a duck during off season.

Hanging up your hunting guns sounds like the easiest thing to do during off-season, but don’t take for granted the benefits of off-season tasks. Each of them will boost your chances of success in the next season. From practicing and location scouting to training your dog and learning more about hunting, here’s a list that we’ve put together for you.

How to Prepare for The Next Hunting Season:

5. Find New Hunting Ground

Most of the hunters have already their favorite hunting spots, but it’s always a good idea to explore more locations. During the season could be a little complicated to find time for location scouting, that’s why off-season is the best time for such a thing.

Getting to know other hunters and joining hunting communities could be useful in getting suggestions for new spots. If you’re interested in waterfowl hunting, here’s a decent list of the best states for waterfowl hunting. Hunting spots are never too many to know.

4. Practice Shooting

Your hit rate will improve if you use your off-season time to practice. If you practice regularly, whether, with a rifle, shotgun, bow, or handgun, the difference will be noticeable.

If you feel like you’re still not there and can’t really practice by yourself, or if you’re good so far but you want to level up your shooting skills, we would recommend you to hire a trainer. It is thanks to an expert that your weak point will be noticed and improved.

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3. Train Your Retriever

There are many facts about your retriever that you might not know, but that you surely have to work on if you want to get the best out of your four paws best friend.

Getting to know your hunting dog with fake or frozen birds during off-season.

Familiarizing your retriever with gunshots is also a mandatory practice for him so that he won’t get scared during the season.

Since a good part of your ducks will fall on the water after being shot, it is a good idea to take your dog boating and expose him to water and make him swim a little.

2. Work Out

Due to the intensity of the physical activity, it is essential to stay at a level of fitness that ensures you a good hunting season. To not let your fitness drop, come up with a training plan combining both muscle strength and cardio activities and do it at least three times a week.

Even though the gym sounds like the most convenient place to work out, training in the woods is way better, because it prepares for the outdoor expectations and reality that you will confront once you go hunting.

1. Watch and Learn

Researching is among the fundamentals of hunting. Of course, sports are practical, but there is always something new to learn before going back in the field. Even though you might know how to shoot, you might want to learn some tips on how to call the ducks.

Understanding animal behaviors is as important as going after them. You can learn a lot more about waterfowl hunting by watching your kind of community. The Duck Hunting TV channel is a very good source of waterfowl hunting content where you can learn a lot about duck hunting and its community. The best thing about it is that is completely free 24/7 on Streemfire and ROKU.

Hopefully, you found the motivation you will looking for. It is always a good time to start preparing to become better.

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